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Friday, August 6, 2010


Recently, I picked up paintbrushes and acrylics again and rediscovered the joy of using this medium. I've been away to digital painting world for a while so it was quite refreshing to get paint on my hands and not use "command+Z" to undo a stroke... This time, I just painted over it! I had the opportunity to display artwork for our Peru missions trip fundraising event called "Express-o," which combined the display of art and musical performances while we served coffee and hot chocolate :). It was a success! Praise God!!! Thank you to everyone who came and supported us and prayed for us. We appreciate you all! Continue to EXPRESS your gifts and talents for God's glory!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Where is God? Art Show

My sis Kat (www.artofcatjcruz.blogspot.com) and I are a part of this show on May 1st. It would be so awesome for you guys to come out and support! Taking art for God! Find this event on facebook.

Monday, March 8, 2010

One day at a time...

*The photo above is for illustration purposes only :).
Have you ever felt really overwhelmed? So overwhelmed that your brain hurts or your chest can explode at any second? I felt that way a few days ago. Perhaps it's because I all of a sudden felt the pressure of the juggling act that I do with my schedule between family, work, church, and extra curricular projects. There was a sense of "I just can't handle it anymore" or I just felt that there were too many things going on at the same time. Factor in that around this time of the month, let's just say I'm a bit more emotional than usual and I crave dark chocolate and sometimes top ramen in the middle of the night. You know that Southwest commercial asking, "Wanna get away?" My answer was a big resounding YES! I wanted to go somewhere where I could turn my brain off. Turn everything off for that matter... including my cell phone! No more text message beep. I wanted to go somewhere where I could be alone with God.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Avatar seesturrs

I was in the mood for some doodling so I sketched me and my sister into Avatar cartoons :)