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Friday, June 19, 2009

In the Eyes of the Beholder

Emails have circulated this image, titled "Hand of God," and claim that the clouds formed after a hurricane. This image was actually shown during our Sunday service recently. I could tell some people were amazed by this image after hearing the "ooohs" and "aaahs." I, however, without blinking, passed this image as PHOTOSHOPPED. I almost wanted to tell the person next to me, "please don't believe it. It's a lie! A big Photoshop lie!!!" I didn't say anything, but almost immediately after I thought about it, I heard God say to me, "So what if this isn't real? Don't you think it's possible that I could do something like this?" Oh man, I received a major conviction from the Holy Spirit right there. It was so easy for me to dismiss the possibility that clouds could form this way because my graphic design background has trained my eye to spot "doctored" images. (And this, by the way, I think is a badly "doctored" image.) But then, God used this little image to tell me something else—to close my human world-trained eyes and choose to see through His. The possibilities of signs and wonders go far beyond cloud formations! Things beyond my mind could possibly imagine. Am I ready to see it? Is my faith ready to see it? "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." ~ Hebrews 11:1 (New Living Translation). So as the sermon ended, I looked at the "hand of God" photo, and then I closed my eyes and truly saw what was possible. Believing is seeing.

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